Sports Injury & Physiotherapy Clinic

Our Cyclist Rehab Packages are ideal for anyone who cycles recreationally or at a competitive level.

Injury prevention and recovery are crucial for cyclists to maintain long-term performance and health. Preventing injuries allows cyclists to consistently train, improve, and achieve their goals without setbacks. Key practices include proper warm-ups, strength training, and cycling technique, all of which reduce the risk of common injuries such as knee pain, lower back issues, and Achilles tendonitis.

Recovery from injury is equally important, as it ensures the body heals properly, preventing further damage and chronic issues. Effective recovery strategies include rest, physical therapy, and gradual return to activity. Prioritizing both injury prevention and recovery enables cyclists to sustain their passion, improve performance, and enjoy a long, injury-free cycling career.

In addition to injury management, performance improvement is a vital aspect of a cyclist’s journey. By incorporating structured training plans, interval workouts, and progressive overload, cyclists can enhance speed, endurance, and efficiency. Balancing injury prevention with performance-focused training ensures steady progress while minimizing the risk of setbacks, allowing cyclists to reach new personal bests and achieve long-term success.

Exclusive Cyclist Rehab Packages

Each Program includes the Body & Bike Assessment

Following your Initial Assessment, you’ll be recommended one of the following Cyclist Packages to suit your condition, goals and expectations.

Bronze Cyclist Package
4 sessions in total

1 x Body & Bike Fitting

3 x Rehab Appointments



Physio Treatment


Soft Tissue Massage

Discounted Insoles

Bespoke Treatment Plan

Home Exercises App

Finance Unavailable

Platinum Cyclist Package
12 sessions in total

1 x Body & Bike Fitting

8 x Rehab Appointments

2 x Sports Massages

1 x Flexibility & Movement Assessment

Physio Treatment

Shockwave Therapy

Soft Tissue Massage

Discounted Insoles

Bespoke Treatment Plan

Home Exercises App

Addons available during your treatment package:

  • Additional Body & Bike £75
  • Save £5 per off the list price for:
    • Any rehab session
    • Any Sports massage
    • Shockwave therapy

We're focused on your goals

Our Paramount Focus is on Providing Individualized Care for Cyclists

Our paramount focus is on providing personalized care tailored specifically for cyclists. Your clinician will prioritize interventions that are most fitting for your unique situation. This approach ensures that both the assessment and any recommendations align with your specific needs for optimal care, recovery, and performance enhancement.

Whether you’re a competitive cyclist striving for peak performance or a recreational rider looking to improve your cycling technique, your clinician will use the results to offer personalized strategies. These are designed to address any muscular imbalances, postural issues, or biomechanical inefficiencies to enhance overall cycling efficiency and reduce injury risk.

Empowering You with Actionable Insights

Our commitment is to empower you with the knowledge you need to optimize your cycling performance. By translating the assessment data into actionable insights, we help you make informed decisions about your training and recovery that contribute to your long-term well-being and performance improvements.

Comprehensive Care for Rehabilitation and Performance Goals

Our primary goal is to effectively address any cycling-related injuries while supporting your specific performance objectives. By combining the expertise of our clinicians with the insights from your assessment, we create a comprehensive rehabilitation and training plan. This plan serves as a roadmap for your recovery and performance, steering you toward sustainable and successful outcomes.

Think of your assessment as the beginning of your journey toward enhanced musculoskeletal health. Trust the process, and rest assured in our commitment to working with you throughout every step of your rehabilitation and training, ensuring a collaborative and supportive approach tailored to your cycling needs.