Balance, Force, and Pressure

Objective, real-time data to assess, retrain and evaluate performance
BodiTrak BioMetrics Pressure Mapping System is an effective tool for enhancing your treatment, wellness or performance.
About BodiTrak BioMetrics
- Prevent the pain and suffering of patients
- Maximize quality of life, comfort and safety
- Optimize performance in daily life and sports performance
- Improve sleep, one great sleep at a time

An efficient tool that provides powerful data for optimal patient care

Assess – Retrain – Evaluate
The BodiTrak BioMetrics Pressure Mapping System provides objective data and performance metrics for clinical decisions. With this tool we gain a better picture of symmetry, weight shift, compensations, balance and more for your analysis, treatment progression and return to function.
Data Driven Rehab Progression
At MacFarlane Physiotherapy, we have incorporated the BodiTrak pressure mat for clinical decision-making to guide the lower and upper extremity patients’ progression for discharge criteria to decrease compensatory patterns and increase function.
Advanced Software
Facilitate evaluations and treatments
Quantitative Results
Minimize the impact of qualitative interpretation and treatment
Guided Assessments
Bilateral balance, Single Leg Balance, mCTSCIB, fCTSIB, Squat Test, Vertical Jump Test
Real-time Feedback
Enhance patient engagement with interactive training
Built-in guided assessments and real-time biofeedback modules